Feel Good is a mostly autobiographical comedy drama series created by and starring comedian Mae Martin. Anyone familiar with her stand up won’t be surprised to learn that the protagonist is a recovering addict with a strained relationship with her parents and also that the show is quite funny in its approach to seemingly morose topics like that; but what you may be surprised by, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, is how well written and acted it is.
Mae’s comedy, in my experience, has always delved into the uncomfortably honest but because of what it is, comedy, it’s always been from the angle of making you laugh. Feel Good gives you these emotional highs and lows, not as anecdotes through which to satirize human nature, but as real events that are actively happening to real people in the present moment. The entire cast give great performances, including the ones playing grotesquely awkward caricatures of people that you often meet in real life.
It’s raw, it’s funny, and it’s a great peek behind the curtain at relationships, friendships, sexuality, addiction, stand up comedy, and more. Absolutely worth a watch.
The show was written by Mae Martin & Joe Hampson, and directed by Ally Pankiw. It’s available to watch on Channel 4 in the UK, and on Netflix everywhere else.
Written by Kyle J.